Avinoam Frankel's, author of Nefesh HaTzimtzum, has posted his latest You Tube video discussing his new book that will be launched soon called Kabbalah, Technology & the Secret of the Shofar. Avinoam Frankel is the translator & commentator of the Kabbalistic books Nefesh HaTzimTzum (Volumes 1 & 2) and his latest translation into English, Shomer Emunim "An Introduction to Kabbalah" authored by Rabbi Yosef Ergas. All three of these books are taught at the Adamic Center of Waco. We currently are teaching Shomer Emunim in our Tuesday class.
I had the blessing of studying Nefesh HaTzimTzum with Rabbi Joel z"l and it absolutely changed my view on what the Holy One and the structure of the Universe is. If you have not read these books they are essential in laying a good foundation in the teachings of Kabbalah, Lurianic Kabbalah and beyond.
Don't forget his latest work Shomer Emunim (Guardian of Faith) which is a book written as a response and counter to a commonly held position within the contemporary Talmudic community of the day, that questioned the validity of the Kabbalistic tradition. It also is a response to the Sabbatian teachings that had severely distorted Kabbalistic concepts over the course of time, from 1650 to 1800, which had attracted and led astray thousands of Jews from authentic Judaism. Rabbi Ergas comes to authenticate the kosher Kabbalah in Avinoam's latest book.
Dinah Miriam Miller