Wellness Consult
Initial Office Visit 1 hour $195
Follow Up Visit 30 min. $95
Phone Visit. 15 min. $40
Counseling 1 hour $125
Energy Session 1 hour $125
What is Holistic Health & Medicine?
by Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine
Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind, and soul. The practice of holistic medicine integrates allopathic, natural and alternative therapies to bring and promote optimal health. Holistic care looks at the physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, spiritual and overall lifestyle to determine the best protocol for the client.
Our greatest goal is to bring education, encouragment and empowerment to our clients to equip them to be forefront and active in their healing process.
Principles of Holistic Medicine & Therapy
Holistic practitioners strive to use a variety of safe & effective options in their therapies.
Searching for the root causes of dis-ease is preferable to managing symptoms alone.
Illness is viewed as an imbalance of the whole person, not as an isolated event.
A major determinant of healing outcomes is the quality of the relationship established between practitioner and client, this is why spending an hour in the first consultation is important.
The ideal practitioner-client relationship considers the needs, desires, awareness and insight of the client as well as those of the practitioner.
Holistic medicine can include but is not limited to herbs, homeopathics, essential oils, supplements, massage, energy balance, chiropractic, acupuncture & detoxification.
Holistic practitioners encourage clients to invoke the healing power of love, hope, humor and enthusiasm, and to release the toxic consequences of hostility, shame, greed, depression, and prolonged fear, anger, and grief.
Unconditional love is life’s most powerful medicine. Holistic practitioners strive to adopt an attitude of unconditional love for clients, themselves, and other practitioners.
Optimal health is much more than the absence of sickness. It is the conscious pursuit of the highest qualities of the physical, environmental, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of the human experience.
Make an Appointment
The initial consultation is to take a comprehensive look at your current health issues. In the hour session we will review your health history, questions, concerns, wellness goals, discuss body systems, diet, medications, and review any supplements you are currently taking.
We will also explore any mental, emotional, and spiritual concerns related to your current health issues. Recommendations will be made at the end of the consultation.
These can include herbal formulas, essential oils, homeopathics, flower essences, lifestyle changes, diet modification, massage, accupuncture, chiropractic care, energy healing and other modalities.
Again, each person is unique in how they process illness and dis-ease. The bigger the tool box the greater chance of bringing healing and balance back to the body and soul.
Initial consultations can be done in person at our clinical office or via Skype, Facetime and phone. Out calls are available, please call for fees and arrangements.
Please do not neglect to follow up. These appointments are important to discuss your experiences with the current protocol you are on and to discuss whether we will need to modify your protocol, dosage or begin the next steps in your healing journey. Connection and feedback are important!
Initial Office Visit 1 hour $150
Follow Up Visit 30 min. $75
Phone Visit. 15 min. $35
Investing in yourself is important, in fact it is the most important thing you can do!
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.