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The Adamic Woman 

and the Redemption of the Twin-Shechinahs 


 Torah Wisdom, Feminine Fusion and God Consciousness 

A Guide for the Kabbalah-Centered Woman in the Messianic Era


By SS - Sisters of Solomon


      The Holy Talmud teaches "In the merit of the righteous women who were in that generation our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt." There are numerous examples of the acts of those righteous women who were pivotal in setting the stage, beginning eighty years prior to the great Exodus from bondage to freedom. The redemption from the Egyptian exile, however, was not only an end in itself that led up to the cosmic Revelation at Sinai, but it is also the prototype for the future global Messianic redemption: “As in the days when I took you out of Egypt I will [again] show him wonders”.  Additionally, according to the Kabbalah of the Arizal, the collective souls of the final generation leading into the Messianic Era are transmigrations of the actual soul-fractals of the generation of the Exodus. From here we learn that the final redemption will also depend upon today’s generation of righteous women. It was in the merit of the women's faith and the actions they took that the nation was redeemed, and likewise, it will be in the merit of the righteous women of our generation. Their righteousness is their faith which motivated the truths they embraced and life-threatening risks they took. The collective souls of these women today are the catalyst through which Israel — together with all humanity, including the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms — will be redeemed and ushered into the higher dimension. 

      This concept is also about the redemption of the Shechinah (both the upper Shechinah and the lower Shechinah). How do we see this? The formula of the Sages could have simply been worded "In the merit of the women…”.  Why was there the need to point out that the women of that generation were “righteous”? Their very acts (that are described there in the Talmud) speak for themselves that the women of that generation, in order to sacrifice what they did could only have been holy, righteous women. Additionally, why was there the need to emphasize that our ancestors were redeemed because of the merit (s’char) of those women? Why not simply “because of the women”? Rather, the term “righteous” (from the root tzedek and tzadik) is a known code term for the Shechinah, meaning that they prepared the foundation, the platform and the “docking station” for the Shechinah. It was their “merit” that gave the Shechinah her power and ability to generate and carry out the redemption of the Exodus. Now, in the Final Generation it is again the women who through their “righteousness” will construct the vehicle — a virtual merkavah-chariot for the Shechinah and directly stimulate Her to redeem not only the Nation of Israel, but now also the entire world.


      There is, however, a deeper level to the formula, “As in the days when I took you out of Egypt (the micro-redemption) I will show him wonders (in the macro-redemption)”. The “righteous women” (nashim tzidkaniot) of the first Exodus were instrumental in the Messianic redemption and tikkun of that time and place. The Messianic process is a methodological operating system known in Kabbalah centered Torah as the sod-code of the “Messiahship” (Meshichut) of the Two Messiahs. The Two Messiahs, or “Twin-Messiahs”, are the Josephic Messiah and the Davidic Messiah (as explained in that chapter). For now, we need only know that: “The first historical manifestation of the Twin-Messiahs, during the period of the Egyptian exile, were the two Hebrew midwives… Likewise, in each and every generation there is an actual pair of Messiahs, which then also act as the source and catalyst for the other (individual) Messiahs of the generation, and their helpers, according to their respective categories”.  As the operating code animating the “righteous women” of the generation of the Exodus were the Twin-Messiahs, so also now in our generation, the code for the final redemption from our present lower dimensionality to return to higher dimensionality, depends upon the Twin-Messiahs (here also referred to as the Twin-Shechinahs).

      The many faces, facets and phases of the Messianic process were never limited to men or masculine energy alone. The Messiahship can also manifest through female energy. This is not a feminist agenda, nor is it even radical from the traditional perspective of the Torah. Following the Messianic role of the two midwives in Egypt, there was the victorious battle against Sisera, an enemy of Israel, that occurred during the period of the prophetess Devorah, which was dependent upon the heroine Yael (descended from the convert Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses). Likewise, the miraculous redemption of Purim was orchestrated and triggered by Queen Esther, “Who was the Mashiach ben Yoseph of her generation”. Finally, Yehudit the daughter of the Kohen Gadol was pivotal in the victory of Chanukah. All these women were incarnating aspects of the Josephic Messiah. Likewise, the current and final phase of universal redemption and transformation is dependent upon women in the role of the Josephic Messiah and its manifestation also as the Twin-Shechinahs. 

      In the past, it was the boundless faith, righteous deeds, high risks and acts of valiance of the women who saved the day. The question before us now is, “How will the supra-natural power of the divine female manifest in our generation”? We are all only too aware that female energy is exponentially increasing, but tragically, this necessary precursor to the Messianic Era is interpenetrating into our current dimension of “This World” in a chaotic and often destructive manner. All this unprecedented Messianic female energy is coming in through the “back door” with no guidelines or maps to follow. The question this website is exploring is can the wise women of our Final Generation intercept, channel and direct the sacred female energy of the Twin-Shechinahs? In order to do this, we must be prepared to peer and probe into the secrets of our own psychosexual-spiritual truth. “The [psychosexual-spiritual] awe of God is the beginning of [the wise woman’s] wisdom”. 


A Cautionary Tale from Kushta 

      The 3rd century Talmudic Sage-Kabbalist Rav once said, “Initially, I used to say that there is no truth in this world” until one of my colleagues, and Rav Tavut is his name, said to me that if they were to give him all the riches of the world, he would never deviate from telling the absolute truth. He told me how this came about. ‘One time I happened to come to a certain place, and Kushta (“Truth” in Aramaic) is its name, and its residents would not deviate from the truth under any circumstances, and no person from there would ever die before his time. I married a woman from there, and I had two sons with her.’ 

      One day Rav Tavut’s wife was washing the hair on her head. Her neighbor came and knocked on the door. He thought: ‘It is not proper modesty to tell the neighbor that my wife is bathing’. So, he said to the neighbor: ‘She is not here’. But soon their two sons died. The people of Kushta came before him and said to him: ‘Why have your two sons died?’ He told them what had happened. They said to him: ‘Please leave our place and do not provoke premature death upon our people’.   

      The moral of the story? Rav Tavut did the correct ethical thing. There are circumstances where one is permitted and even obligated to not tell the absolute truth. He was simply protecting the modesty of his wife which, under normal circumstances, is meritorious. That always applies — except when you are in Kushta. In Kushta only the naked truth is allowed, even when it comes to matters of nakedness. The sod-code of the Twin-Shechinahs can truly only be taught while we are in the mental state of Kushta. If a woman cannot bear to hear the whole Kushta truth then, “Please leave our place and do not bring spiritual death upon us”. 

      Additionally, Kushta is a place of safety, a hermetically sealed, private home for every woman.  Esoterically, Kushta is also known as “Makom” — the Place of the World, home of the primordial tzimtzum-contraction point of singularity and the mother matrix of all creation. Makom is the sacred womb-center and Makom is the Pineal Temple of the Shechinah. For those who wish to enter the Makom of Kushta, we need only to remind ourselves, “There is no place like Makom”, “There is no place like Makom”. So, got Kushta? Then let’s go girl and we will tell it like it is — a truth about the sacred feminine that is so profound, so unexpected and so Messianic that for now, it can only be told within the hermetically sealed and protective walls of Kushta. 

"It is time to act for the Name of God, for they have voided Your Torah." 

‎ (Psalms 119:126)


      "Eit la’asot LaHaShem, heifeiru Toratecha.” This is a formula that has been used as a proof text throughout Jewish history. It is, in effect, a failsafe mechanism from within the oral tradition, that allows and can even require, emergency action to be taken that normally would be forbidden. (In fact, it is this principle that allowed the vast Oral Torah itself, beginning with the Mishnah, to be written down, when previously, for over a millennium this was strictly forbidden.) This only applies if and when the Torah or the Jewish people are in serious dire straits. Generally, it would have been better if the emergency measures were not needed to be taken and the contemporary state and standards of reality were left as they were. Even in previous generations, esoteric-based Torah Masters have relied upon this formula to permit themselves to write down and to reveal formerly long hidden secrets of the Torah — the Kabbalah. Although the application of this formula at any given time went unnoticed by most of the nation, for those it directly affected, it required a substantive change and significant shift in thought and action. In all cases, however, the Sages had no choice but to make the radical change. Yet, with each implementation, after the fact, it became evident that it was indeed Heaven’s inscrutable decision. 

      The Adamic Woman is touching upon topics that have not been shared in public. Moreover, from what we know from our own experiences with other women, including our teachers, our friends and our own students over the decades, these matters have not even been privately discussed among women. The unique time, however, that we are in — the footsteps of the Messiah, as is known — not only permits, but requires that we discuss these matters with our sisters. Out of privacy and modesty, it would have been better not to have to share these truths about female energy and what we can and must do with it.  In the face of the current situation, however, there is no alternative. It is an “Eit la’asot” — a time to act. And if we — even the one woman out of a thousand — will not stand up for the new Adamic woman who will? (Certainly not the men!)

The Exile of the Ohr Ganuzic Light

      Ohr HaGanuz literally means the Hidden or Concealed Light. At its essence, this refers to the emanation of the primordial light of Genesis that was the medium through which the entirety of creation was manifested. After the first cosmic day of creation, however, this light was concealed and “hidden” away, destined to only be revealed again beginning with the onset of the Messianic Era. The Ohr Ganuz is also a code term for the “Light of God’s Own Consciousness”. This light is the light of global consciousness that the Messiah brings back and it is therefore also known as Ohro shel Mashiach — The Light of Messiah.  

      What is “hidden”, however, is only the cosmic collective, macro Ohr Ganuz. The micro Ohr Ganuz, however, never completely ceased. Rather, this light continues to exist with us. In fact, it is the light of existence and creation itself, and it surrounds us and is within us. The light of the Ohr Ganuz is here now, only that it is filtered and obscured — “Behold, he is standing behind our wall gazing through the windows, peering through the lattices” (Shir 2:9). Enchantingly, yet also logically, as we are fashioned in the “image of God”, major concentrations of the Ohr Ganuz are found within the human body, particularly within a woman’s body, within her curves and at the essence of her female energies. Among a woman’s amazing energies is the physiological function and process of the orgasm. It is very intriguing when we notice the phonetic resonance between “orgasm” and “ohr ganuz”. If only as a mnemonic nuance, the linguistic symmetry here is striking! According to the deepest secrets of the Kabbalah, fractals of the Ohr Ganuzic light are hidden in the other-worldly pleasure and ecstasy of the female orgasm. Orgasmic is Ohrganuzic! Microcosms of the primordial light are hidden in the last place we would think to look (But we have intuitively always known, or at least suspected)! The sod-code of the Twin-Shechinahs is also the sod-code of the “ohrganuzic” Ohr Ganuz, and it is here now and returning in a Messianic tsunami.


      We are also very aware that throughout various communities and lifestyles there are any number of spiritually centered and religiously based women who, whether married or single, divorced or widowed, are not able to fully actualize the full spectrum of their divine female. These unactualized aspects of our selves are no little thing. Rather, these “stuck” energies are the exiled faces and facets of the Shechinah Herself. Our personal Shechinah, our own Song of Songs, is partially in exile. Unwittingly, we cannot all easily express the full spectrum of the psychosexual-spiritual nature of our own inner Ohrganuzic light of the Twin-Shechinahs.

      Yet, some of us are joyfully sensual, dance the body-exotic rhythm and have always been multi-orgasmic. So, what is missing? What is missing is what we do – or do not do — with our Ohrganuzic energy when it is released. Yes, there is the temporal release and relief and the momentary eternal ecstasy as we are rocketed out of our bodies and out of the universe. Yet, while we are still being bathed in the numinous after-glow of bliss, to where do we direct this unparalleled supernova burst of Ohrganuzic light? What do we do with this other-worldly female energy? Moreover, has this question ever even dawned upon us? And is this even possible (and also be kosher)? Some of us intuitively know, or are vaguely conscious of our dilemma, but how much can we admit to ourselves if we assume there is no solution, or that the very idea itself feels non-spiritual or even anti-spiritual and forbidding? 

      Then there are those among us who are divorced from our bodies, sensually unresponsive and even non-orgasmic. This can leave us physically compressed and emotionally depressed — or venting in anger, consciously or unconsciously, inward at ourselves or outward at the world. The Messianic good news is that, in fact, there does exist a path where we can interface our energy-based sexuality with our personal God-centered consciousness. This is the teaching of the Adamic Woman. Some of us have long been searching for intimacy with the divine, but full feminine satiety remains at the other end of the cosmic rainbow. We may be quietly heartbroken, feeling the pangs of unrequited love for God, not recognizing that it is also our lost love for the Adamic Messiah. With the secret of the Twin-Shechinahs we can again fall in love with the Adamic Messiah and offer our psychosexual-spiritual love directly to the Adamic Man. “Its flashes are flashes of fire, which is a flame of God. Many waters cannot extinguish the love….” (SoS 8:6,7). This system and its methodology come from the ancient Kabbalah based teachings of King Solomon and, importantly, it is spiritually healthy and halachically intact. 

      Moreover, it is the Shechinah, throughout Her spectrum of iterations, who suffers most for our sins of omission. We may have unknowingly curtailed our Messianic Mission and our God-given right to embrace our bodies in order to transform our flesh into spiritual light. For those women who hear Her calling, we have a responsibility to understand what female energy (Mayin Nukbin — "M♀N” for short) is all about, how to consciously produce it and how to direct it into the Adamic Messiah. By slowly embracing the secret of our own personal twin-sister energies (the Chayah-Leah and the Chavah-Rachel energies, as explained in that chapter), we can rediscover new depths within our inner Shechinah and simultaneously elevate the collective Shechinah to greater heights. Our guidebook is Shir HaShirim — King Solomon’s Song of Songs, the theme that runs through the Adamic Woman. Now, if one has never, or only minimally, been exposed to this Kabbalah centered Messianic operating system, there can be a long learning curve ahead of us. However, once we learn the nature of our own curves in the secret of the cosmic curvature of God’s Own consciousness — we can easily progress through the peaks and the valleys and then, “Behold the voice of my beloved comes, leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills”. (SoS 2:8)

The Shechinah is in Pain but There are No Men to Blame

      Before we move forward, we want to make it clear that we are not pessimistic oracles, prophets of doom or men haters. To the contrary many of us are lifelong androphiles — we love and adore men. Some of us have wonderful relationships with our husbands, our fathers and our sons. There is, however, a problem with the generational collective male consciousness that we have to be honest about. The problem is virtually intractable, which means that it cannot be resolved, certainly not by the men themselves. Specifically, there are just not enough “good men” out there (some of us have given up hope of any of them ever finding us!). We have to admit to each other the hard Kushta truth. The Emperor, like the fable of old, has no clothes and he simply does not know that he has no clothes. (On the other hand, Ms. Shechinah is wearing a whole new wardrobe of outfits fit for an Empress. She is inviting us to join Her for the Messianic cosmic fashion show of the millennium.) However, the emperors among us — the spiritual leaders and the Torah educators of our generation, the good intentioned rabbis — simply don’t know what they are not aware of. They do not know that this super high-energy unified dimension of Kabbalah, sex and consciousness — this ancient, authentic, kosher code of feminine fusion — even exists. 

      Who is the responsible party? The “Patriarchy”? The answer is no, but there is an inconvenient and bitter truth. The offenders in this case — always allowing for the wonderful exceptions — are most of the spiritual men of the world. This includes Torah scholars, Jewish leaders and even the Kabbalah based educators, but not for the reasons you are likely to be thinking. This could have been a case of “What the rabbis of the Talmud and Kabbalah don’t want women to know”, but it is not. If that is all it was, then, in theory, it would be fixable. 

      The bitter truth is that the men of our generation simply “don’t know what they don’t want us to know”, even though they are the very custodians and guardians of what they themselves don’t know! It is all in the holy books and in the teachings and doctrines of our Talmudic and Kabbalah Sages of the past — all the way back to the master mentor of the secret of feminine fusion, the “wisest of all beings”, King Solomon. 

      Let us be very clear. It is not that the male spiritual leadership have not been telling us the truth.  They are not deliberately hiding our own Torah and Kabbalah truth from us. How can they be hiding it when they are not able to access this dimension of the divine female themselves? The reason, however, why they cannot access and operate the Torah energy teachings of HuG, the dance of the hasadim and gevurot, is because, frankly, they do not know how to dance with their own HuG, their own psychosexual-spiritual energy. Moreover, adding insult to our injury, they simply do not have sufficient Messianic Adamic models of what such a Torah based societal reality could even look like now in our generation. Collectively, they have no vessels for the Ohr Chadash — the “New Light” — which is literally the original primordial light of “And God said, ‘Let there be light’”. They are not able to imagine a HuG based Messianic Era, let alone to hold the Ohrganuzic female energies that are rushing in from all sides like towering tsunamis of viscous light. A universal law: No prototype, no type; no vessels, no light and therefore no release of our sacred feminine delight. That’s the M♀N for the Adamic Man.

      The collective masculine (always allowing for blessed individual exceptions) doesn’t even know what they don’t want us to know about sacred sexuality, and how we can turn it into actual prayer, and use it as M♀N for the Man, that is, for the Adamic Messiah. It is too challenging, too intimidating, and too threatening to deal with. It is too sensuous, too sexual and too holy. Too holy? Yes. A man must stay far away from anything explicitly, or even implicitly sexual, because he has a responsibility and obligation — it is a negative-mitzvah (i.e., “don’t do”) — not to speak about or think about anything that could cause him to have licentious thoughts. Even more so to cause himself to emit seed. This is similar to the nazir (nazirite) who is forbidden to drink wine or to ingest even a grape seed. The male or female nazirite (Yes, a woman, just as a man, can also become a temporary nazir) is told, as a protective fence, to walk the longer way around a vineyard, instead of walking through the vineyard. This is true even if going through the vineyard is a shorter route. In other words, when a man is not married or not with his wife, good fences build “good neighbors” and protect him from the “bad neighbors” — the allures of sexual energy. 

      Most women do not realize that both younger and older men, married or not, regardless of their knowledge, stature and righteousness have enough challenges every day and night in dealing with this matter. They don’t need to openly challenge the yeitzer harah of sexual energy to a fight. (This is why Rebbe Nachman, together with other Chasidim and Mekubalim, place so much emphasis on a man working on “tikkun habrit” — guarding one’s self from untethered sexual-yesod energy.) Moreover, what man, if he is married — or especially if he is not married — is going to teach this stuff to us? For most men it is a lose-lose situation. And which men even know and understand the code of feminine fusion enough to be able to teach it to us? In general, regarding these matters, men are in such dire straits that we women, should be teaching them! But what do we know about these matters? The male teachers and leaders never taught us virtually anything about our own psychosexual-spiritual energy and how to use it to serve the Emanator of all male and female energy.

      As will become clear, the tikkun that is required now for the women of our generation is the tikkun of cosmic yesod energy and that means, among other things, the psychosexual-spiritual experience of the Shechinah. She has come to the foreground and, lo and behold, she reveals herself to be the double Twin-Shechinahs! And how will our male leaders deal with two modes of female energy in the secret of the Twin-Shechinahs? And when they find out that at the root of the “backside” of one of these two Shechinah super-forces is the bizarre, blackhole-like, castrating queen of all the demonesses called Lilith — no man, religious or not — would dare to come near! 

Timeless Torah and a Time to Act

      The higher-dimensional Torah does not change. The primordial Torah — Torah “A”, the Torah of Adam, the Torah of Atzilut and the Torah of Mashiach — is timeless, existing before and after what we know as “time”.  Time itself, however, is changing right now beneath our feet. Not “The Times They Are A-Changing” but rather, the very spacetime fabric of chronological time as we have known it is changing. With confusion, chaos and fears of a dystopian future (or worse) we are now literally completing the Josephic Messianic Era. Simultaneously, however, as we are now also entering the Davidic Messianic Era, the inner soul of collective reality is undergoing unprecedented alchemical transformation, down to our very atomic structure. Time is accelerating, space is morphing. It is not just our imagination, or because this occurs to some of us as we get older. Events — from the geopolitical to the technological, to the concept of gender and male-female relations — are hurtling forward because time itself, for worse but also for better, is exponentially speeding up.  

      The Messianic time has come for the true Adamic woman to be revealed — the woman that is hidden in the deepest secrets of the Torah. She is hidden in places filled with holy dread in which only the boldest — and most desiring of souls — will dare to look. We can be forgiven our ignorance of this momentous truth because it is a vision so overwhelmingly vast, filling up the fabric of reality so completely, that we cannot see the central tree of life  — the Tree of Life of singularity — for the forest — the forest of the branches, twigs and thicket of the Tree of Knowledge of opposites. But the incoming Messianic Light is making it possible for a first glimpse, together with the direct involvement of Mashiach ben David, all humanity (including the men!) will ride the waves of the Holy One’s own consciousness.

      Our generation of women now stands upon the precipice of global Messianic transformation of Leviathanic proportions. The paradigm shift has already begun (primarily from the 1960s up until this day), but tragically, the good-intentioned men are oblivious to what many women intuitively know both collectively and personally. Our fathers, brothers, sons, rabbis and teachers — and any other men along the male spectrum, religious or not, spiritual or not — don’t know that the female energy of the Shechinah and Her collective psychosexual-spiritual forces have been rapidly increasing during the last half century. This is especially true in the last several years — and we have only yet seen the tip of the iceberg. (And yes, there is no limit to the amount of klipah and viral filth mixed in with the good. In this currently collapsed dimension, every convexed face of truth has its corresponding concaved backside of falsehood and klipah. This is the law of the convexed frontside and the concaved backside, and this is the nature of the dimension of reality that we are existing within, as the Kabbalah formula reminds us, “The [3D] klipah must always precede the [4D] fruit”.) For those of us women — and it may only be one in a thousand — who hear Her footsteps quickly approaching, together we can welcome the Adamic Mashiach with his Twin-Shechinahs.


1 Sotah 11b. 

2 Micah 7:15. The pronoun “show him” is variously explained as referring to Moses, Jacob or Mashiach, which are simply iterations of each other. The micro-macro relationship between the first redemption and the final redemption is likewise alluded to in the well-known Midrash, “The future redemption will occur during the month of Nissan as did our redemption from Egypt” (Shemot Rabbah 15:12).

3 Shaar HaGilgulim, Hakdamah 20. Similarly, see Ramdu, Ezekiel where he explains that [what we know today as] New Age occultism is incarnating the religion and beliefs of ancient Egypt (He wrote this in the 18th century).

4 Chidah, Marit HaAyin, Sotah 11b. Additionally, the extra term “righteous” (from the root tzedek and tzadik) is also alluding to yesod energy, both male and female, as known. 

5 Kol HaTor, R. Hillel Chapter 2, Section b, para. #4. “According to the explanations of our Master [The Gaon of Vilna], the Twin-Messiahs have various aspects, in accord with their many different functions. ... This is what our teacher wrote in his commentary on the Tikkuney Zohar Chadash [36c] on the verses: "The midwives feared God... they saved the infant boys' lives... they are the two Messiahs”. To be clear, independent of Kol HaTor, the text of the Zohar definitively identifies the two midwives with the two Messiahs (here referred to as the Twin-Female Messiahs or the Twin-Shechinahs). The Gaon of Vilna’s extensive commentary there emphasizes this and greatly expands upon it.

6 Kol HaTor. Concerning the 8th Aspect of Mashiach ben Yoseph, R. Hillel writes: “The Morning Star — ‘To the chief Musician upon [the appearance of] the Morning Star, a Psalm of David. My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?’ (Psalms 22:1-2). This was the prayer of Queen Esther, who was the Mashiach ben Yoseph of her generation”. 

7 This is a formulaic application of a well-known verse from the Book of Psalms, “The awe of God is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalms 111:10).

8 As the commentators explain, Kushta is another name for the well-known “City of Luz” where no-one died (unless they wished to) and the city itself was impervious to destruction, existing unto this day, along with other supra-natural characteristics.

9 This meta-rule has more recently been invoked by leading Torah authorities regarding both the permissibility and even the obligation of now openly teaching Torah based Kabbalah, and of the permissibility and even obligation, to teach God-fearing non-Jews and Noahides the full Torah, much beyond the simple set of the Seven Noahide Laws.

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