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My New Journey: Becoming an Adamic Woman

The purpose of this blog is to share some of my new journey on the path of the Adamic woman and the impact it is having on me as a woman longing to live her life fully. I recently came across this website and some of its related background material. I find it very exciting! I invite you to share your experiences too so we can travel this sacred path together. Welcome.


Summer 2019. I traveled to Amsterdam from my home on the East coast of the USA because I was viscerally drawn to an art exhibit at the Jewish Museum called “Kabbalah: The Art of Mysticism.” Ancient texts along with modern artworks depicting the teachings of Jewish mysticism and their effect on modern life through the eyes of artists was an experience I could not miss.

Oh my Goddess!! I spent three days in this wonderful exhibit (in addition to enjoying my share of windmills, canals, and a bit of cannabis!). The exhibit explored everything from gorgeous sacred texts of Torah, Sefer Yetzirah, and the Zohar to amulets, songs by Madonna (yes), and the teachings of Rabbis Abulafia, Luria, and rabbis from the Merkabah school of Kabbalah.

And - oh this was so thrilling - on exhibit was the work of my ancestor, Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz (c. 1555 –1630), also known as the Shelah HaKadosh ("the holy Shelah"). Seeing an original 16th century print of his work alongside manuscripts depicting Shekinah, the Sabbath Queen dressed in a stunning robe adorned with Hebrew Letters, was breathtaking for me. Nearby were artifacts from the Baal Shem Tov, and Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi, one of the founders of the Renewal movement.

Basically, beyond my Sunday School learning and years of volunteering in all the Jewish organizations that I belonged to, this exhibit outlined my sometimes voracious appetite to understand spiritual principles from a mystical Jewish perspective. But the biggest transformation I felt when I left was the deep knowing that THIS IS ALL ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS and I have to put all these puzzle pieces together.

How in God’s name, literally, was I going to ground all I know about Jewish mysticism, not to mention other spiritual traditions and evolutionary systems, in a way that would feed my soul and help me continue to be the best person I could be. Then, through a series of lovely synchronicities, I was guided to this wonderful site, The Adamic Woman.

With all I have learned, healed, “channeled”, and grown over the years I am still far from feeling as ‘alive’, turned on by life, and ecstatic as I know I was born to be. I suppressed my life energy and sexual expression to be a good girl, wife, and mother. No blame or shame, as far as I am concerned, I have moved past that. I’ve come to see it was up to me to be that for myself all along.

But wow, I still want to experience that full expression of my life force energy. I believe it is very possible. I know in my heart the teachings and experiences of the Adamic Woman, embodying HuG — the Kabbalah dance of the masculine and female energies, and uncovering the sod-codes of the secret teachings of the Sages, and more, are a path that is going to really help me be more in my body and my life.

May we all be blessed to remember our expansive and joyful capacities, in service of the upcoming birth of the Messianic Era, in creative, meaningful, and expansive ways!

Leah Avigial

Suppressed Spiritual Seeker and Aspiring Ecstatic Adamic Woman

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