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Inner Tikkun

With all the protests and seeming chaos in the world I continue to question, “What is mine to do?” The answer I keep coming up with is to go inside - myself. Not inside the house. I have been there due to coronavirus. The inner journey into my own psyche and body is what I am talking about.

It can be scary to face learned beliefs and patterns I have to let go of, heal within myself, or make amends for in some way. And the need to do that seems more urgent as we approach this new era. That is the heroine’s inner journey rather than the hero’s journey of outer accomplishment and I’m on board.

Repairing the world starts with me. If my own inner sense of self is fragmented then the reflection in my world will be too. During Cop15, the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, I sat in circle for 11 days with colleagues holding space for what we called the “Inner Climate Learning Village”. Our premise was, if we provided a safe place for protestors to self-reflect and come to more cohesiveness within themselves after a day of protesting, that would be a good contribution to the global climate crisis.

And here we are again. Humanity is definitely being stirred up. Change is afoot. This time as I look inside, I have the added benefit of being able to put my questions into the framework of HuG, the Adamic Woman and related teachings as best as I can.

What parts of my self, the dance between my Hassidim and Gevurot, need attention? What do I need to express instead of suppress? Visions of large paintings with straight lines and ecstatic, Pollack-like, splattered, curved lines are coming to mind!

What has been blocking me from being my fully alive self? If I can accept it all and give anything that seems out of alignment to Hashem, in prayer, will that help me and our world return to wholeness?

I think so. In any case, I know it appeals to me a whole lot more than going out in the streets and protesting anything.

Going within instead of hitting the street isn’t for everyone (and why are we doing that with the virus still looming??) In some ways it goes against all my conditioning. I hear the voices of numerous rabbis telling me in sermons to stand up for the downtrodden and do tikkun olam by performing acts of social justice. There is a time and place for that, for sure. Right now, with all I am learning in this Adamic Woman community, my choice is to attend to my spiritual expansion first.

I pray that what I am led to now, creating harmony between my twin Shekinahs, the coming to deeper understanding of the HuG inside me and how that plays out in my life, family line, and our world is enough. Maybe it is more than enough. I hope so!

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