The Adamic Woman
and the Redemption of the Twin Shechinahs
Torah Wisdom, Feminine Fusion and God Consciousness
A Guide for the Kabbalah-Centered Woman in the Messianic Era
By S♀S - Sisters of Solomon
This website is the effort of a small group of women, for women, who, like us, are looking for a new model of the future woman. This new model is the Adamic woman. The Adamic woman does not fit into current archetypes. Her futuristic vision of reality and its imminent evolution is not limited by contemporary truisms, spiritual dogmas or cultural mores. Yet, the Adamic woman is firmly rooted in traditional rabbinic Judaism and runs on an operating system that is also fulfilling the ancient Hebrew prophecies. These are the codes for the Twin-Shechinahs. We refer to ourselves as the Sisters of Solomon because, in the absence of contemporary conscious male teachers and rabbis (of various persuasions and denominations) that can genuinely relate to us, we look to the teachings of King Solomon — the wisest of all men, the greatest of all rabbis and the master of all Kabbalists — who is our teacher and mentor. In our long search over the years for a truth that speaks directly to our souls, we have found that King Solomon in his books and teachings is the only male model that we can truly relate to and trust. These teachings are explained throughout the various sections, the blog and the advice column found here at the Adamic Woman website.
The new Adamic women operates on the following three premises:
We are drawing our foundational system from the living traditions of Kabbalah centered Torah yet also utilizing models from the new sciences to enable us to access esoteric codes necessary for our generation, as well as to greatly accelerate our learning curve and depth of understanding.
The transitionary Messianic Era is seeping in. This period is not a new world utopian order, and it is not some kind of a faith-based religious rapture. Rather, the prophesied Messianic Era, Yemot HaMashiach, is a dimensional transformation of all reality and consciousness, including human, animal, plant and mineral.
Something very potent and virtually “otherworldly” is occurring to gender norms and sexual identity the world over. This phenomenon, like so many other unprecedented phenomena in our generation, are prefiguring the Messianic Era. In order, however, to begin to grasp what is occurring beneath the surface we must probe the depths of the esoteric nature animating the full spectrum of female and male energies. This is the secret of the Twin-Shechinahs which is now unfolding before our eyes.
The Adamic Woman and the Reunification of the Twin-Shechinahs is primarily directed to the Orthodox Jewish woman. In most cases this will be the ba’alat teshuvah (religious returnee. In Israel she is referred to as a chozeret b’teshuvah) whether she is new on this path or has been involved with Torah for many decades. Included here is also the spectrum of halachically observant women who are textually based with advanced yeshiva (seminary) or academic training. It is also intended for those Jewish women who have been involved for years in Torah communities, directly within or on the periphery. However, all women are welcome — from diverse backgrounds, with diverse levels of religious knowledge and observance and of diverse ages. Some of us are originally from or currently live in East coast New York, West coast Los Angeles and everywhere in-between from Texas to Israel. Some of us have travelled through Israel, South America, India, Nepal and Tibet and far away islands.
Additionally, we are now addressing a growing number of non-Jewish women — those considering conversion, Kabbalah based Noahides, those transitioning from Christianity and simply those women who, like ourselves, are searching for a Kabbalah centered model for the new Adamic Woman. Anyone else, Jewish or not, observant or not, is welcome to come along for the ride. Please be aware, however, that many of the concepts and terms used here to flesh out the new Adamic woman will initially appear foreign and confusing. But we will try to explain them in an understandable way so that you can grasp the concepts and understand the related terminology. Many of these concepts, if not some of the terms, will also be new to many religious Jewish women as well.
What we have in common is that we believe that all humanity — and all animals, plants and minerals down to the last atom — are contained within God’s consciousness. There is nothing outside of God’s consciousness and there is only one humanity, that together comprises a single higher-dimensional androgynous Adamic Messiah, containing male and female (energies) and everything in-between. We believe in the prophesized global Messianic Era centered around the Even Shetiya — the Jerusalem Foundation Stone (the place of the Holy of Holies Where King Solomon built the First Temple). This is the collective pineal gland (Peniel, in Hebrew meaning “Face of God”) — the seat of the soul — of all humanity and it has the power to unite together all the peoples of the world as it is written by the prophet Zephaniah, “I will then transform the peoples to a purified language [of shared consciousness]”.
What we also have in common is that most of us, to varying degrees, have been exposed to a unique doctrine of Torah and Kabbalah based teachings. This operating system is the little-known Kabbalah school of the famed Gaon of Vilna (which subsumes the entire Zohar and the platform, terminology and mechanics of Lurianic Kabbalah from the holy Arizal, in addition to the centrality of Talmudic Aggadah). We also draw deeply from the wells of Rabbi Shlomo Eliyashiv (Known as the Leshem, d. 1926 Jerusalem), and from the refreshing waters of Rabbi Moshe David Valli (close colleague of Ramchal, both 18th century Padua, Italy,). We also aspire to the doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna as outlined in the book Kol HaTor, a unique manual for the preparation and transition into the Messianic Era. This system of Kabbalah, based on the Zohar, Talmud, Midrash and halacha (Jewish Law), places a unique emphasis on the Kabbalah codes hidden in Talmudic Aggadah. This methodology and its application are crucial now for the women of our generation. Unexpectedly, Talmudic Aggadah contains the much sacred wisdom and the keys to the kingdom for the kabbalah centered woman.
We have also been influenced by a number of contemporary Torah books and teachers. They include, among others, Inner Space by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (along with other books he has authored), the works of Rav Adin Steinsaltz, including his translation of the Talmud (Along with all the ArtScroll translations) and Rav Yitzchak Ginsburg. Also are included the books and teachings of Rabbis Ariel bar Zadok, Moshe Wisnefsky (Apples from the Orchard), Pinchas Winston, Joel David Bakst, Avraham Trugman, and David Katz. Some of us are old enough to have known and learned from, when they were alive, Reb Shlomo Carlebach, Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi and Reb David Zeller. Some of us are young enough to have tuned into the online classes by Rabbi Yoseph Mizrachi and Rabbi Alon Anava. To varying degrees some of us in the past have been exposed to Chabad Chassidus, Breslau Chassidus, the Kabbalah Centre, Bnei Baruch, traditional “yeshivish” learning and traditional Mussar — the Jewish psycho-ethical tradition. Some of us are currently or were previously married to Chareidi men who learned day and night in yeshiva, as well as those who were involved day and night in kiruv-outreach — and everything in-between (We also have had and continue to have many women friends and colleagues from around the world who have shared with us). Some of us also have been influenced by our own rabbi or rav, as well as many amazing and brilliant rebbetzins who have been our seminary teachers and mentors.
Some of us have had non-Torah backgrounds, mostly before we became involved in Torah, which are very diverse, but many of them could come under the rubric of “sex, drugs, rock and roll and religion”. By religion we mean any number of Eastern religions and disciplines, including Buddhism, Hinduism, yoga, kundalini, sexual tantra, Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the teachings of Ram Das. From the Western traditions we have known firsthand Pentecostal, Evangelical, Greek Orthodox and messianic Christianity. (of course, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist Judaism and Jewish Renewal goes without saying). By “rock and roll” we are primarily referring to the lifestyle of the dancing and music scene, from outdoor marijuana infused hippie rock concerts to ecstasy laden basement raves. By “drugs” we are only referring to psychedelic mind-expanding substances and, of late, ayahuasca and DMT. By “sex” we don’t only mean wild, premarital sex when we were younger (or after we were divorced), but also serious initiation into tantric sex, sexual alchemy and occult groups. We have been businesswomen, life-coaches, educators, master herbalists, professional artists, healers, lawyers, social workers, Jungian therapists, yoga instructors and, of course, stay-at-home moms. Today we are committed to a Kabbalah centered vision of life and Torah consciousness. The other thing we discovered that we have in common, is that we have all realized that we don’t easily (or happily) fit into any contemporary compartmentalization. (And it’s not that we haven’t tried for many years and even decades.) We often feel alone with no one to really talk to because no one else, including rabbis, spiritual teachers and conscious women, speaks our inner language.
Though decades of searching and study, trial and error (and rude awakenings) we have discovered that this subject, this path and this mode of consciousness is only for the one in a thousand of spiritual and consciousness seeking women. As the Kabbalah teaches it is a “soul thing”. It is either rooted in your shoresh haNeshamah (soul-root) or it is not. We are now living in the messianic times of “miracles and wonders” when various degrees of prophesy and ruach haKodesh (divine inspiration) must return before we can transition fully into the Messianic Era — i.e., reunited global consciousness. As written, “In a place where there are no men, you must be the man” (Pirkei Avot 2:6). In this case, you must become the woman — the new Adamic woman.
Mission Statement
We are women who are preparing for the incoming Messianic Era by delving deep into Kabbalah-centered Torah — both the Written and the Oral Torah. We are developing Kabbalah-centered intentionality in our learning, in our prayer and in our performance of mitzvot. Each woman does as much as she can or wishes, each one according to her level and understanding. As we prepare for the future now, together with our growing Torah database and emerging guidelines for personal self-training, we are interfacing directly with our psycho-sexual energy, practicing internal spiritual-alchemy and developing direct God consciousness in order to redeem the Shechinah and usher in the global Messianic Era.
Female Energy, Female Sensuality and Female Consciousness,
within a matrix of Kabbalah-centered Torah, together give birth
to the prophesied Adamic Woman.